- [EN] Social media and records management - John Mancini - AIIM
[EN] Social media and records management make strange bedfellows - John Mancini - AIIM - Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm erm erms imported mancini presentation records-management rm social-media socialsoftware
- [EN] The state of records management in 2013: the challenges | Thinking Records
[EN] The state of records management in 2013: the challenges | Thinking Records | James Lappin | Not new: "The tension between the need for stable records management and the need to keep up with the onward march of technology"
in Public bookmarks with [en] challenges ecm erm lappin management records records_management rm state status technolgy trends
- [EN] Tweeting for Records Management | AIIM Enterprise 2.0 Blog | Köhler-Krüner | 07.10.2010
Hanns talks about the problems of archiving twitter stream and other volatile information. Getting into Enterprise 2.0 means as well a lot of new problems in regard to records management, compliance, data security, privacy and other world-wide and cross-border regulatory information management issues.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blogs e2.0 ecm enterprise_2.0 erm hkk imported iso_15489 iso_30300 kampffmeyer records-management rm twitter
- [EN] Waiting for MoReq 2010: What should we do now? | Inforesight | June 2010
Proposal by Marc Fresko to continue with MoReq2 for implementations, training, eduction a.s.o until MoReq 2010 is published
in Public bookmarks with [en] dlm dlm-forum erm fresko imported inforesight mgb moreq moreq-2010 moreq-governance-board moreq2 moreq2010 records-management rm standards
- [ES] Innova.doc Conference Barcelona 6.10.2009 - 7.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with [es] conference dlm erm imported moreq preservation records-management rm standards by 2 users
- [FI] Kansalliset määräykset ja MoReq2
Asiakirjahallinnan reunamerkintöjä
in Public bookmarks with [fi] article dlm erm imported moreq moreq2 records records-management rm standards trends by 2 users
- [FR] [DE] [EN] ECM Enterprise Content Management | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 2006
ECM Enterprise Content Management. E-Book in drei Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT, 2006
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] [fr] bpm business-process-management capture collaboration document-management ecm ecms enterprise-content-management imported kampffmeyer output-management preservation project-consult records-management rm ulrich-kampffmeyer workflow by 2 users
- [RU] Закат эпохи неформалов - CIO
Закат эпохи неформалов, Автор: Елена Некрасова, Опубликовано 27 апреля 2009 года | Artikel zu Records Management in der russischen CIO
in Public bookmarks with [ru] dlm dlm-forum imported moreq moreq2 preservation records-management rm standards by 2 users
- @rchivista
Archivista - spanischsprachiger Blog zur elektronischen Archivierung von Paco Fernández Cuesta
in Public bookmarks with [es] archivierung archiving imported preservation records_management rm standards trends by 2 users
- 2007 Cohasset ARMA AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey Results Released : Electronic Discovery Law
Cohasset hat über 1700 Organisationen zum Thema Records Management befragt und ergänzt mit der Studie die vorangegangenen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 2001 und 2005.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim arma compliance erm imported markt moreq records_management rm standards trends by 2 users
- A Pan-European Initiative - The Moreq2 Standard
Bericht von der DLM Forum Tagung in Berlin, April 2007 mit Schwerpunkt MoReq2 auf AIIM Knowledge Center Blog
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog conference dlm erm imported moreq moreq2 records_management rm standards by 2 users
- AIIM edocmagazine
Print publication of AIIM on ECM Enterprise Content Management
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim artikel_kff cms dms ecm ecms enterprise_content_management imported itc-market journal markt records_management rm trends by 2 users
- AIIM Knowledge Center
Blog und News zum Thema ECM Enterprise Content Management der AIIM international (mit Atle Skjekkeland)
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog bpm business_process_management capture cms collaboration compliance content_management dlm imported records_management rm search standards trends verband wcm workflow by 2 users
- AIIM Knowledge Center Blog | MoReq2 Roadshow in Germany
Ankündigung der MoReq2 Roadshow auf der AIIM Blog-Seite, 23.10.2007
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog dlm imported moreq moreq2 preservation project_consult records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- AIIM unterstützt MoReq2-Initiativen
Pressemitteilung der AIIM Europe zur MoReq2 Roadshow im November 2007
in Public bookmarks with [de] aiim compliance conference dlm document_related_technologies drt ecm enterprise_content_management imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 preservation project_consult records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 2 users
- Amazon.de: Grundsätze der elektronischen Archivierung.
Grundsätze der elektronischen Archivierung. "Code of Practice" zum Einsatz von Dokumenten-Management- und elektronischen Archivsystemen. Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Jörg Rogalla. VOI 1997, ISBN 3932898036
in Public bookmarks with [de] amazon archivierung archiving artikel_kff compliance dlm document_related_technologies drt imported kampffmeyer metadaten preservation records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 2 users
- Amazon.de: Grundsätze der Verfahrensbeschreibung nach GoBS
Grundsätze der Verfahrensdokumentation nach GoBS von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Karl-Georg Henstorf und Jan Prochnow. VOI Code of Practice Bd. 2, ISBN 3-932898-04-4
in Public bookmarks with [de] amazon archivierung archiving artikel_kff compliance imported kampffmeyer records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- An elephant never forgets? George W. Bush's lost e-mails
Die Bush Regierung ändert das E-Mail System und verstößt mangels Records Management und Archivierung gegen geltendes Recht. Der Congress setzt eine Kommission ein - ob Bush dies noch interessiert? Ein schönes Negativ-Beispiel zum Thema Compliance auf
in Public bookmarks with [en] classification compliance email imported records_management rm by 2 users
- Archivage électronique sécurisé: état de l'art
Übersicht zum Stand der elektronischen Archivierung in Frankreich
in Public bookmarks with [fr] archivierung archiving imported metadaten preservation records_management rm storage trends by 2 users
- Archivalia
Informativer Blog zum Thema Archive und Archivierung von Klaus Graf auf "twoday.net" (siehe auch das "netbib" Blog)
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] archivierung archiving blog compliance content_management dlm document_management dokumentenmanagement imported itc-market markt metadaten preservation records_management rm standards by 2 users
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