- [DE] Records Management und Moreq2 | PROJECT CONSULT Seminar | newsmax Pressemitteilung | www.moreq2.de
newsmax® - Pressemitteilung - PROJECT CONSULT Seminar informiert über Records Management und Moreq2 | Frankfurt 12.05.2009 | München 14.05.2009
in Public bookmarks with 12.05.2009 14.05.2009 2009 [de] conference dlm dlm-forum frankfurt ibm imbus imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 münchen project-consult records-management roadshow standards ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- [DE] Schlagabtausch | In der Diskussion | PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20080930
Mitschrift des Streitgesprächs zwischen Bernhard Zöller und Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer am 9.9.2008 in Neustadt/Wied zu den Themen MoReq2, Konsolidierung im ECM-Markt und anderen. Die Diskussion ist auch vollständig als Video-Aufzeichnung verfügbar
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiving document_management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement drt ecm ecms enterprise-content-management imported kampffmeyer markt moreq moreq2 preservation project-consult records-management rm standards trends by 2 users
- [DE] Schlagabtausch | PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20080930
Transkript der Diskussion zwischen Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer und Bernhard Zöller zu den Themen MoReq2, Konsolidierung und Entwicklung des ECM-Marktes | SER | 09.09.2008 | Videoaufzeichnung: http://www.ser.de/doxis4/webtv.cfm
in Public bookmarks with [de] diskussion dlm dlm-forum ecm imported kampffmeyer konsolidierung kritik moreq moreq2 newsletter project-consult records-management zöller by 2 users
- [DE] Seminar "Records Management & Compliance" am 22.09.2010 in Hamburg
Anmeldung via Amiando
in Public bookmarks with [de] cloud erm ica-req imported iso_15489 kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 moreq2010 project-consult records-management records-manager rm saas sap sharepoint standards trends ulrich_kampffmeyer
- [DE] Standards im Records Management
MoReq2 | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 31. DGI Online Tagung | 15.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with 15489 [de] archivierung buchmesse conference dgi dlm dokumentenmanagement imported iso kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation project-consult records-management schriftgutverwaltung standard by 2 users
- [DE] Videos zum Studiengang "Information & Documentation" an der FH Potsdam
In einem FaQ und in mehreren Videos stellt sich die FH Potsdam vor und bietet mit dem neuartigen Konzept der Studiengangspräsentation Bewerbern Orientierungshilfe
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung education imported information-management records-management universität
- [DE] Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records Manager? | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | FH Potsdam | 24.04.2009
Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records Manager? | FH Potsdam | Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften | Berufsfeldtagung | Vortrag Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 24.04.2009 | Neue Berufsbilder und Profile | Herausforderungen durch Web 2.0
in Public bookmarks with 2009 [de] archivar berufbild berufsfeldtagung fh imported informationswissenschaft kampffmeyer potsdam profil project-consult records-management records-manager trends universität by 2 users
- [DE] Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records-Manager? | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | FH Potsdam | Video | 24.04.2009
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Berufsfeldfachtagung Informationswissenschaften | Vortrag Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records-Manager? | 24.04.2009 | Synchronisiertes Video mit Folien (Flash, auch MPEG4, MoV und RealPlayer verfügbar)
in Public bookmarks with [de] archive archivierung education imported information-management presentation project-consult records-management ulrich_kampffmeyer video
- [EN] [..] DLM Forum | Translation projects (currently for MoReq2)
DLM Forum | List of translation projects | MoReq2 | Catalan | Czech | Estonian | French | Hungarian | Italian | Korean | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Slovenian | Spanish | Ukranian
in Public bookmarks with [en] [fr] [ru] dlm dlm-forum for:hannskk for:hobohm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management standards translation
- [EN] [DE] Swiss Federal Archive: Digital Archiving Policy | Schweizer Bundesarchiv: Richtlinie für die digitale Archivierung
[EN] The Swiss Federal Archives (SFA) have released two documents about therir archiving strategy | [DE] Das Schweizer Bundesarchiv hat zwei Dokumente zur ihrer Archivierungsstrategie herausgegeben | Digital Archiving Policy | http://bit.ly/duQTK0 | Digital Archiving at the Swiss Federal Archives (SFA) | Dr. Krystyna W. Ohnesorge, Loris D’Incau, André Golliez | http://bit.ly/9kM0Di
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] archiv archivierung archiving compliace digital-preservation erm imported policy records-management rm swiss xing
- [EN] [FR] [...] MoReq2 Translations | DLM Forum
MoReq2 translations available June 2011: French, Czech, Hungarian, Catalan, Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Estonian. Chapter "0" available: French, Estonian, Czech. More translations of MoReq2 still under way
in Public bookmarks with [cz] [en] [fr] [hu] [ro] [ru] for:hannskk for:hobohm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management standards translation
- [EN] [FR] [DE] [NL] [ZH] [CZ] MoReq2 Downloads
Dokumente und Artikel in verschiedenen Sprachen zu MoReq2 | SERCO
in Public bookmarks with [cz] [de] [en] [fr] [nl] [zh] article dlm dlm-forum imported moreq moreq2 records-management standards by 2 users
- [EN] [FR] [DE] ECM Enterprise Content Management
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer: ECM Enterprise Content Management. PROJECT CONSULT, Hamburg, 2006. English, German, French.
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] [fr] bpm business-process-management capture deliver document_management ecm enterprise_content_management imported kampffmeyer preservation project-consult project_consult records-management records_management standards ulrich_kampffmeyer workflow by 2 users
- [EN] 17 presentations about ECM, ERM a.s.o. by AIIM
John Mancini, AIIM: 17 presentations to watch | July 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cms dms document dokumentenmanagement ecm enterprise-content-management imported management mancini presentation preservation records-management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] 5 Myths about SharePoint Records Management | AIIM
5 Myths about SharePoint Records Management | Mike Alsup | AIIM Expert Blog | 25.06.2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog erm erms for:twitter microsoft records-management sharepoint sps standards
- [EN] 6th DLM Forum Conference "Interoperability and MoReq2010" - Brussels - 12.-14. Dec. 2011
[EN] 6th DLM Forum Conference "Interoperability and MoReq2010 - Making Intelligent Information Control a Reality in Europe" | Brussels | 12.-14. Dec. 2011 | Every three years this unique event takes place, and this year offers the very latest on: > The exciting new MoReq2010 standard > E-government and standards > Managing and accessing e-information > From records management to archives – developing strategies to transfer records > Long-term preservation. The DLM conference offers an unrivaled sales and networking opportunity for vendors and partners in this market.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung conference digital-preservation dlm dlm-forummoreq europa for:twitter information-management moreq2 moreq2010 records-management standards
- [EN] A tale of two ERMS specifications | ICA Flying Reporters @ the DLM forum
"A tale of two ERMS specifications" | The ICA Flying Reporters discuss the impact of the presentation of Ulrich Kampffmeyer "Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management, held at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008, 12.12.2008, in regard to the different standardisation activities of ICA and DLM Forum with MoReq2
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog conference dlm dlm-forum ica imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation preservation records-management standards ulrich_kampffmeyer web2.0 by 2 users
- [EN] AIIM - ERM Records Management Community Blog
AIIM has moved the Records Management Community Blog to the AIIM.org main website
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim association blog community document-management erm for:twitter imported moreq moreq2 moreq2010 moreq2011 moreq3 records-management rm schriftgutverwaltung
- [EN] AIIM | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations
AIIM | Digital Landfill | 12.10.2009 | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations | John Mancini
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cms compliance content-management document-management e2.0 ecm ecms enterprise-content-management imported mancini markt presentation records-management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] AIIM calls for adoption of MoReq2
AIIM calls for adoption of MoReq2 - Information World Review - 3/12/2008
in Public bookmarks with [en] dlm dlm-forum ec imported moreq records-management standards by 2 users
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