- Condi Rice invited to share her yellow cake recipe with House committee
Worm turns: Rep. Waxman requests Secretary of State testify on Niger claim and other issues.
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in Public bookmarks with bush congress iraq niger rice uranium waxman
- Decarbonizing the carbon economy
Until the development of water and wind power, humanity burned carbon-based fuels like wood and coal to power our civilization. These very same fuels are now polluting the air and water with heavy metals, ozone pollution, and acid rain. In addition, carbon-based fuels are almost entirely responsible for the global heating that has occurred since the 1970s. Not only is the carbon economy directly causing global heating, it is also responsible for the oil dependency that has led to the decay of the United States' national authority. The only way forward out of our morass is...
in Public bookmarks with capitalism climate-change economics energy fair-markets global-warming iran iraq middle-east
- Gonzo gone crazy: FOX News and AP on the "attack"
I know reporters sometimes become part of the story, but this is Foxdiculous. Go here and scroll to the bottom to see a very amusing mistake. Screen cap below...
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in Public bookmarks with ap attack error fox gonzo iraq media misprint news typo
- Graham Parker: Stupid people should shut the f?!k up
SS: ...Why do you believe that an artist's opinion on politics should matter? GP: I don't participate actively in expressing political views and always turn down the offer of appearing on bills for political causes. Surely, everybody's opinions on politics matter, apart from very stupid people, who should shut the f?!k up...
in Public bookmarks with amy-winehouse bob-dylan george-w.-bush graham-parker iraq literature media music music-industry new-wave otis-redding politics radio rock--roll sam-cooke soccer tom-freund
- There's no business like war business
There are 160,000 troops stationed in Iraq. There are 200,000 contractors serving various military functions there. Some of these contractors perform mundane tasks such as meal preparation and laundry. But many are involved in dangerous activities. And others have access to high powered weaponry, which they have (allegedly) sold on the black market or used for target practice on Iraqi civilians. And how are these contractors controlled? They're not...
in Public bookmarks with blackwater bush-administration halliburton iraq mercenaries war war-funding
- FISA failure demonstrates why we need real progressives in Congress
I'm still mulling over the massive Democratic capitulation that enabled Bush to pass into law the most sweeping violation of Americans' privacy yet--legalizing an illegal program, and making it stronger to boot. Why did this happen? Why did Democrats in both chambers of Congress roll over and give Mr. 28% carte blanche to spy on Americans without any recourse? Why throw away all the political capital that could have been gained from opposing him? As I said in my previous post about the FISA collapse, it wasn't just Democrats who helped push this ugly bill into law--many of the supporters were newly-elected netroots Democrats, who came to Congress on a platform of change and opposing Bush on his draconian usurpation of the rule of law. It's not the first tim
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election blue-dog-democrats bush-administration civil-liberties congress conservatism constitutional-crisis democrats dennis-kucinich fascism fear fisa freedom iraq jim-webb nsa politics progressivism ron-paul wiretapping
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