- Iraq pulls Blackwater's license, for now - and Waxman wants hearings
The Iraqi "government" has expelled Blackwater Security from its job to commit legalized mayhem provide security services in Iraq - for now, anyway. And Rep. Waxman is promising hearings on Blackwater's activities in Iraq...
in Public bookmarks with blackwater bush-administration corruption erik-prince henry-waxman iraq-war mercenaries politics scandal war-funding
- Mickey Mouse will have his revenge on Iran
So the Senate caved into Lieberman's wish to attack Iran at will with a bipartisan vote. Oh, I know, it's non-binding and not an actual declaration of war, and they amended some of the language. But you should know how these things go by now. This has given Bush the political justification, however flimsy, to execute 'Operation Bomb the Ragheads II: Git that Amadajad Feller.'
in Public bookmarks with bush-administration chris-dodd fox-news george-w.-bush hillary-clinton house-of-representatives iran iraq-war joe-biden joe-lieberman mahmoud-ahmadinejad mike-huckabee neocons senate war
- The horror is getting to Matt Taibbi
Exclusive Q&A with writer Taibbi. Snippet - "If and when I ever get to be Interior Minister, one of my first acts is going to be the putting to death of anyone who thinks God interferes in the outcome of things like sporting events and elections. I'd want to have a giant shark tank built expressly for this purpose. Just throw them in there and then dump a couple of barrels of cow blood in the water..."
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election barry-bonds bill-belichick boris-berezovsky bush-administration congress democrats hunter-thompson impeachment matt-taibbi media michael-vick neil-bush politics religion republicans russia sports
- There's no business like war business
There are 160,000 troops stationed in Iraq. There are 200,000 contractors serving various military functions there. Some of these contractors perform mundane tasks such as meal preparation and laundry. But many are involved in dangerous activities. And others have access to high powered weaponry, which they have (allegedly) sold on the black market or used for target practice on Iraqi civilians. And how are these contractors controlled? They're not...
in Public bookmarks with blackwater bush-administration halliburton iraq mercenaries war war-funding
- Bill Richardson makes it short, sweet and brutal
Gov. Richardson released a statement re: the recent intel estimate that says Iran shelved their nuclear weapons program years ago, an assessment which differs greatly from what Bush, Cheney, and various neocons chihuahuas have yapped of late and insist on even now. The key bit of Richardson's very brief statement...
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election bill-richardson bush-administration dick-cheney george-w.-bush intelligence iran neoconservatives nie
- Could the U.S. Attorneys firing scandal be bigger than Americans know?
For months, the Bush administration has declined to directly answer a key question posed by Congress: were more top federal prosecutors targeted for dismissal beyond the nine that have been publicly identified? In a new letter to senators who have been pushing for the answer...
in Public bookmarks with alberto-gonzales attorneygate bush-administration congress dianne-feinstein george-w.-bush justice-department scandal us-attorneys
- Democrats sell out America thanks to spy bill vote
What an absolute disgrace this is. Not only did the Democrats almost completely cave in to the Bush junta on this most critical issue they actually gave him more power. Unbelievable. How can any Democrat paint themselves as a logical alternative to the GOP when you have this kind of sycophancy going on? Aren't we past this knee-jerk "ZOMG THE TERRORISTS ARE COMING TO KILL US!!!11111″ nonsense yet, that we should so easily give up the rights for which we're supposedly fighting? What makes this even worse is...
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election blue-dog-democrats bush-administration civil-liberties civil-rights corruption democrats fisa flip-flop free-speech george-w.-bush intelligence law leadership legal-ethics military-surveillance patriot-act politics privacy wiretapping
- FISA failure demonstrates why we need real progressives in Congress
I'm still mulling over the massive Democratic capitulation that enabled Bush to pass into law the most sweeping violation of Americans' privacy yet--legalizing an illegal program, and making it stronger to boot. Why did this happen? Why did Democrats in both chambers of Congress roll over and give Mr. 28% carte blanche to spy on Americans without any recourse? Why throw away all the political capital that could have been gained from opposing him? As I said in my previous post about the FISA collapse, it wasn't just Democrats who helped push this ugly bill into law--many of the supporters were newly-elected netroots Democrats, who came to Congress on a platform of change and opposing Bush on his draconian usurpation of the rule of law. It's not the first tim
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election blue-dog-democrats bush-administration civil-liberties congress conservatism constitutional-crisis democrats dennis-kucinich fascism fear fisa freedom iraq jim-webb nsa politics progressivism ron-paul wiretapping
- Wrath of the math: Why did Karl Rove quit?
That's the question on everyone's lips since the porcine political player announced he would be stepping down at the end of August. Of course, the excuse that he wants to spend more time with his family is horse puckey and we all know it--so what's really going on? Is he trying to give Bush political cover if he gets ensnared in one of the many investigations that keep leading back to...
in Public bookmarks with 2008-election bush-administration conservatives conspiracy-theories corruption fraud george-w.-bush gop justice karl-rove mission-accomplished morons neocons newspapers politics race-relations racial-politics republicans scandal
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