Showcases :: The Duke of Sussex’s German Pentateuch The Duke of Sussex’s German Pentateuch was written and illuminated by a scribe-artist known as Hayyim, working in southern Germany around 1300. Apart from the five books of the Old Testament, it contains the Aramaic translation - Targum Onkelos - the Five Scrolls, Haftarot and readings from the Prophets. The manuscript takes its name from its last owner, the Duke of Sussex (1773-1843), before it became part of the British Museum collection in 1844. The Duke of Sussex's German Pentateuch was written and illuminated by a scribe-artist known as Hayyim, working in southern Germany around 1300. dukepentateuchsussex in Research Translations & Translators > Online Bible Exhibitionswith britishlibraryjewishmanuscriptpentateuch