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  • Alternative Energy News
    Welcome to the AENews Network: a comprehensive set of online resources designed to raise public awareness and encourage debate about renewable energy technologies. We are dedicated to providing an open and comprehensive collection of discussions, information, media and news promoting the research and development of renewables.
    with green green_news
  • Best House Design Blog
    The Best House Design Blog, House Plan, Home Plans, Floor Plans, Prefabrication, Cabin & Modular House to Green, Modern, Minimalist, Natural House Design, Architects, Designers.
    with green_news links_building
  • Buckminster Fuller Institute
    Buckminster Fuller challenged us with a bold vision: "To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."
    Founded in 1983, the Buckminster Fuller Institute serves a global network of design innovators.
    buckminster decade design dome dymaxion earth earthscope fuller game geodesic house lab science spaceship tensegrity world
    with green_news learn_build links_building by 5 users
  • Clean Break
    Trends, happenings and innovations in the Clean Technology Market
    with build_green green_news by 2 users
  • Co-op America: economic action for a just planet
    Our mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
    Green America is a national nonprofit consumer organization, promoting environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic justice through marketplace strategies including green living, responsible shopping, fair trade, green business, corporate social responsibility, and socially responsible investing -- for consumers, businesses, workers, investors, and everyone.
    activism business consumer environ ethical green investing living membership nonprofit resources responsible shopping socially
    with green_news links_green by 8 users
  • CoolBoom
    CoolBoom is a project I had in mind for months. When the new year was almost there, I thought “Now or never!” and here I am, writing a blog about what I like most. Architecture has always been my hobby, and interior design my passion. In fact, I just finished my interior design studies. You could say that I was born to love design. My name is Sylvia and I live in the spanish city of Valencia, where architecture and interior design are on the upswing.
    with green_news
  • Dreaming About a Green Home?
    Have you been dreaming about that perfect green home that is welcoming, cozy, and provides for all of your housing needs, while also allowing you to live lightly on our earth? can help you discover a home plan that matches your needs and aesthetics, in a way that will conserve energy and resources.
    with green_news learn_build links_green
  • Green Building Community
    For Professionals in Green Building and Environmental Systems Technology
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  • Green-Trust.Org
    Professionally, I'm an IT Engineer (Executive Level) and Electronics Tech. Philosophically, I'm a Green Conservative, and probably would have been a hippie in the 60's if I had been old enough. I live off grid, with Solar (PV), Wind, and veggie oil fueled diesel generator power, and have been teaching and living sustainable technology for over 10 years.
    with green_news
  • Hurricane proof, disaster proof, Earth sheltered homes that are environmentally friendly.
    YES! You can build a beautiful, nearly disaster proof home that is so environmentally friendly and energy efficient that the Environmental Protection Agency doesn't have a rating for it. These amazing, affordable homes are not only nearly maintenance free, they will be a long-term investment that you could pass down to your children and grandchildren! Costs to build are comparable to a standard wood-frame home, and they don't require any specialized skills or quirky techniques to construct. What's the secret? These earth sheltered homes use the good earth itself to produce all the benefits you will read about here. How very natural!
    with green green_news
  • Monolithic Dome Institute
    Since its founding, the Monolithic Dome Institute has been working hard to raise awareness about Monolithic Domes among the general public. Over the years, we've found that one of the best ways to do that is through newspaper and magazine articles, radio interviews and television shows.
    with build green green_news by 2 users
  • Natural Building Network
    Natural Building Network is a not-for-profit membership association promoting natural building principles, materials and practitioners worldwide. We support ecological regeneration, social justice, the building of community and economic opportunity, and the recognition of indigenous wisdom as essential in creating healthy, beautiful, and spiritually-uplifting habitation for everyone.
    with green_news learn_build links_building
  • Phil Malone and Lisa Malone's Earth Sheltered, Geothermal, Passive Solar home
    Our Adventure: Rather than building a traditional Energy-Hog home, or even a non-traditional Energy-Efficient home, our new home is a unique fusion of energy efficient techniques, and environmental sanity. Our goal was to create a home that uses the sun, earth and water to create a pleasant living environment where we can enjoy the wildlife, and which also reduces our demands on non-sustainable resources.
    and cooling design earth exchanage geo geo-exchanage geothermal ground heating house passive plans sheltered solar underground
    with build_green green
  • Reliable Energy from Renewable Sources
    Switch is the one-stop provider of turnkey renewable energy systems for a broad range of energy needs, serving government, commercial, and industrial customers.
    with green_news links_building links_green
  • explores underground buildings, examines their impact on architecture and the environment, and addresses such questions as: Why would anyone want to bury a building? Are underground buildings safe? How do architects feel about designing buildings that are hidden within the earth? What is the environmental impact of subterranean architecture?
    with green green_news
  • Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC)
    The Synergetics Collaborative (SNEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together a diverse group of people with an interest in Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics in face-to-face workshops, symposia, seminars, pow-wows, and other meetings to educate and support research and understanding of the many facets of Synergetics, its methods and principles.
    with build dome
  • The Sun-Enews Community
    The Source for Solar, Wind, and Other Energy Resources
    with green_news links_building links_green
  • Welcome to Domes International - The Shape of the Future
    At Domes, we're serious about being the International shape of the future. In that respect, our efforts are being directed towards disaster relief shelters, military housing, and other low-cost buildings for harsh environments. From large to small, Domes International can accommodate your needs. (see below for more examples). Our fiberglass dome home is a product of almost 27 years of research, development, testing and building.
    with build_green green_news
  • Workshop on Geodesic Structures: Build a Dome for Bucky's Birthday
    Event Times and Location: Friday 11 July 2008, 8AM - 9PM, Registration begins at 8 AM Saturday 12 July 2008, 8AM - 9PM Sunday 13 July 2008, 8AM - 9PM Monday 14 July 2008, 8AM - 9PM SUNY Oswego Department of Technology, Design Studio Wilber Hall, Design Studio, Room 350 Oswego, NY
    with learn_build

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