- Data and Research - Center for Real Estate at WSU
Home Price Calculator
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- Real Estate Listings & Homes For Sale
Home Values
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- Center for Real Estate at WSU
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- Ecoaldea de Valdepielagos
Eco housing in Spain
La ECOALDEA nace como fruto del interés de un grupo de personas que se plantean vivir en un entorno minimizando su impacto negativo sobre el Medio Ambiente y en el cual todos los espacios que la componen guarden una relación entre sí, que exprese la inquietud de quienes viven preocupados por la relación del hombre con el medio, y compartiendo este modo de vida en un núcleo de
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- Intentional Communities Web Site (ecovillages, community, communes, cohousing, coops, sustainable living...)
Intentional Community is an inclusive term for ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, and other projects where people strive together with a common vision.
Information on Intentional Communities including ecovillages, communes, and cohousing. Communities Directory, Communities Magazine, classified ads, event calendar, wiki, blogs, video and more.
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- Sedgwick County, Kansas Appraiser's Office
Recent price of houses sold in Wichita
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- Sustainable Building Sources
Sustainable Building Sources, Directory and Links.
Sustainable Building Sources - One of the world's best online collections of information on alternative building techniques, materials, and assistance.
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with builder green house
- Wichita KS Homes FSBO | ForSaleByOwner.com - FSBO
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- Wichita, KS real estate information
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- Wichita, KS Real Estate Listings
Wichita, KS Real Estate and Homes Listings | RealEstate.Oodle.com
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- Wichita, KS real estate overview
College Hill house sale trends
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