- Rimau: The Hunt
Companion Piece to "The Matchmaker". Methos's POV Connor sounded even more amused. "There's more to you than meets the eye." "No, MacLeod. I'm exactly what you see. Just a guy." I had to laugh at that familiar phrase.
in Fanfiction > Highlander with duncan_methos fic highlander nc17 rimau slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
- Rimau: The Matchmaker
Connor and Methos go on a rescue mission. Duncan and Methos work some things out. --- "Actually, you never really even intended to kill him. And the things you said by the brook, you weren't really mad at him, were you? You just wanted Duncan to fight with you. Why?"
in Fanfiction > Highlander with duncan_methos fic highlander nc17 rimau slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
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