- DementorDelta: Dumbledore's Folly
Another Courting story? Yes, but funny and wonderfully written. IC and yet romantic in a way. --- Snape kissed the tips of his fingers. "To love you is folly." Harry cradled him close. "There's a place in the world for folly."
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp post-hogwarts r slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
- DementorDelta: Over Tea
Wonderful story – a collection of short glimpses of Harry's life from Snape's and McGonagall's POV. With a very promising ending. --- He nodded again, and she found that she believed her own words. "I've a spy," Albus had told her, "the most unlikely of heroes." A Slytherin turned against Voldemort. Unlikely indeed.
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic hp post-hogwarts pre-hogwarts
- DementorDelta: Slow Dancing
Harry and Snape teach the Slytherins how to dance. --- "See, you like me," Harry said. Snape's hand in his was very dry. "I tolerate you."
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp post-hogwarts slash
- DementorDelta: The Magic Word
"Welcome home, Harry," Severus said, settling beside Harry, his own eyes closing.
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp nc17 slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
- DementorDelta: The Task At Hand
Snape shook his head disgustedly. "I've failed. Potter is still in love with me."
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp pg13 slash
- DementorDelta: Nothing Says Christmas
Very sweet holiday fic with a nice smutty ending. --- "Your biggest mistake was making something called 'wedding cookies'. Hagrid couldn't get it out of his feeble brain for months that we weren't getting married."
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp post-hogwarts r slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
- DementorDelta: Spirited Boy, an Over Tea Smutlet
Lovely (and smutty) companion piece to “Over Tea”. --- "Ah," he said, closing the book slowly. "I suppose I'll be treated to a display of your most blistering invective as soon as that happy event occurs." He saw from the expression on the boyish face that he'd hit close to the mark. "How mundane."
in Fanfiction > Harry Potter with dementor_delta fic harry_snape hp nc17 slash
Note: WARNING: Explicit sex and/or violence ahead! This is SLASH - do NOT proceed if you don't like that.
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