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  • ASAP
    Since 1988 the Agro-ecology/Sustainable Agriculture Program has been addressing sustainable agriculture at the University of Illinois, College of ACES. ASAP officially launched its new collaborative website in 2007. This is a place for the community interested in agriculture, food, and sustainability to share resources and ideas.
    in Ecosoc > Sustainability with agriculture sustainability
  • Nourishing the Planet
    The Nourishing the Planet project will assess the state of agricultural innovations—from cropping methods to irrigation technology to agricultural policy—with an emphasis on sustainability, diversity, and ecosystem health, as well as productivity
    in Ecosoc > Sustainability with agriculture food sustainability
  • Organic Facts
    Organic Facts is a private website owned and maintained by the Patil family in India : Dr. Madhukar Patil, PhD (Chemistry) is an organic farmer ; Kiran Patil, (Chemical Engineering) is an entrepreneur working on technology transfer and entrepreneurship development in rural areas ; Aparup Mukherjee is an IT professional and also a freelance writer.
    in Public bookmarks with agriculture food health

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