- CSS Naked Day
CSS Naked Day
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- CSS Naked Day
The idea behind this event is to promote Web Standards. Plain and simple. This includes proper use of (x)html, semantic markup, a good hierarchy structure, and; well, a fun play on words.
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- CSS Prism by Ryan Berg
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- CSS Sprit.es
CSS Sprites code generator. Generated CSS and images are compatible with most browsers
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- CSS Sprite Generator | Project Fondue
batch process many images: allows you to send a zip file containing your images. It will returns you your images combined into a sprite, and even better, the CSS code that you'll just have to paste in your main css file.
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- CSS Tweak ~ Web Based CSS Tweaker!
CSS Tweak will take your CSS and optimize it so that file sizes and download times are reduced.
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- CSS Type Set
CSS Type Set allows you to visually and interactively style text and it generates the CSS.
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- CSS Zen Sentiero
A Italian CSS ZEN garden
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- CSS-Tools and HTML-Web-Tools | Essential bookmarks for web-developers
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- CSSFly - Edit websites on the fly!
CSSFly is a web 2.0 tool for easy editing websites direct and in real-time in your browser. Simply edit the (X)HTML-code and the external Style-Sheet files : what you code is what you get! This tool is designed for developers. Use it for developing, testing or checking your web-project or take a look behind the scenerys of your favourite websites. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cssfly.net
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- CSSTidy
CSSTidy is an opensource CSS parser and optimiser.
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- CSSTYPE v2 (BETA) - web safe typography on screen for pixel perfectionists
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- CSSVista: Live CSS editing with Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously
CSSVista is a free Windows application for web developers which lets you edit your CSS code live in both Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously. If you like this, you may be interested in our browser compatibility service, SiteVista. Yes, that's why
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- CSV Converter
This page allows you to enter a table in CSV-format and convert it to HTML or the WikiMedia format for tables
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- CSV to vCard
This simple JS conversion takes CSV (or tab-delimited) contacts and turns them into vCard format. This was originally written to take information from Outlook Express for Mac OS 9 and bring it into the address book in OS X.
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- CU3ER - flash 3D image slider!
CU3ER is flash 3D image slider, it's free, easy to set-up, customizable via XML, tailored to provide a unique look
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- Cubical - 3D Tetris Stacking Game Developed by Digital Machina
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