aims to address this need by serving as the central platform informing and empowering movements for social change around the most important issues of our time. with activismepetitionportal
Channel 9 Welcome to Channel 9. We are five guys at Microsoft who want a new level of communication between Microsoft and developers. We believe that we will all benefit from a little dialogue these days. This is our first attempt to move beyond the newsgroup, the blog, and the press release to talk with each other, human to human. with blogcommunitydevelopermicrosoftby 11 users
Chaoscope freeware for Windows. Chaoscope is a 3D strange attractors rendering software. Below is a sample of pictures rendered by the program. You can check the Gallery to see more examples of what Chaoscope can do. Home of Chaoscope, a 3D strange attractors rendering software attractorchaosfreewaregallerysoftwarestrange with 3dgeneratorimagesoftwarewindows
charity: water water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. with 3rd_worldcharityorganisationwater