- Email Standards Project
Our mission is to drive the use and support of web standards in email, working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. This is a community effort to improve the email experience for designers and readers, and we’d love your help.
in Public bookmarks with email standard by 8 users
- Paper size - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in Public bookmarks with paper size standard wiki_page
- RSS Best Practices Profile
This profile contains a set of recommendations for Really Simple Syndication, a web syndication format documented in RSS 2.0 (revision 2.0.10). This is version 1.0 of this document, published Oct. 15, 2007. The current version will always be available at this link. Public comments are welcomed at RSS-Public.
in Public bookmarks with items reference rss standard
- Welcome to OKKAM - Enabling the Web of Entities — The OKKAM Project Workspace
The OKKAM project aims at enabling the Web of Entities, namely a virtual space where any collection of data and information about any type of entities (e.g. people, locations, organizations, events, products, ...) published on the Web can be integrated into a single virtual, decentralized, open knowledge base
in Public bookmarks with entities microformats project standard web
standard from all users