- ISO Country Codes Sidebar Panel
Quick Refernce 2 letter ISO Country Codes Sidebar Panel
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- ISO Country Names And Code Elements
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- j.mp, a simple url shortener powered by bit.ly
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- JSConsole as panel
in Public bookmarks with javascript online sidebar tool
- Mozilla/Firefox Tabs
Here you’ll find a collection of Mozilla and Firefox Sidebar Tabs. Note: Some sidebars use archive copies of Netscape devedge ref.
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- Sidebar Extensions for Safari
These extensions load useful tools next to the websites you surf, allowing you to read a page and simultaneously take notes, write a paper, jot down tasks, chat, and more! You can even load custom pages in the sidebar, like Firefox can.*
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- Sidebars
Links to reference sidebars and panels for browsers
Quick Reference, Tools, Converters, Search And Game Sidebars, Pannels
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in Public bookmarks with browser game reference resource sidebar
- YubNub
SideNub is an experimental YubNub sidebar. The sidebar keeps a history of commands used during the current session and show links to man, ls and gui
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