- Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit
How does my game playing contribute to curing diseases? With all the things proteins do to keep our bodies functioning and healthy, they can be involved in disease in many different ways. The more we know about how certain proteins fold, the better new proteins we can design to combat the disease-related proteins and cure the diseases. Below, we list three diseases that represent different ways that proteins can be involved in disease.
in Public bookmarks with 3d biology game research science
- Telono | expérience utilisateur | ergonomie informatique | accessibilité web | Genève, Suisse
Telono est une société de conseil en expérience utilisateur basée à Genève dont les pôles principaux sont l'ergonomie informatique et l'accessibilité web.
in Public bookmarks with accessibility research suisse web
- The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It
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in Public bookmarks with books collaboration future internet participation research web2.0
- UVic Linguistics Research
Laryngoscopic images of the pharynx and larynx obtained using a Kay Elemetrics Rhino-Laryngeal Stroboscope 9100, halogen light source, Olympus ENF-P3 fibreoptic laryngoscope, Panasonic KS 152 camera, and 28mm wide-angle lens: View from the naso-pharynx adjusted to view the glottis, pyriform recesses, arytenoids, and aryepiglottic folds, as far as possible behind the epiglottis.
in Public bookmarks with larynx linguistic research video
- WorldWide Telescope
A web-based version of WorldWide Telescope is also now available. This version enables seamless, guided explorations of the universe from within a web browser on PC and Intel Mac OS X by using the power of Microsoft Silverlight 3.0.
in Public bookmarks with astronomy labs microsoft research telescope webapps by 6 users
- Yahoo! Research
Yahoo! Research is the central advanced research organization of Yahoo! Inc., a leading global Internet brand and one of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide.
in Public bookmarks with homepage research yahoo by 3 users
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