- ñblog:Online Image Tools: Recopilacion de herramientas para fotos o imagenes
Thank you ñblog, I love your blog :-) mille gracias
in Public bookmarks with blog cool resource ycc2106
- Nihongo.3Yen.com - Japanese Language - Kanji - Nihongo Learn Japanese
in Public bookmarks with cool japanese learn study
Links to online tools related to images, button generators, color pickers...
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in Public bookmarks with application avatar button color cool editor generator image online optimizer picture resource tool web by 3 users (all private)
Links to generators, converters, encoders...
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in Public bookmarks with application cool creator css generator html maker online regex resource search tool web
- PageLime - The Flat File Hosted CMS for Designers, Developers, and Web Agencies
You mark up areas in your pages using CSS classes, and then log into PageLime. We connect to your site, figure out what parts are editable based on the CSS classes, and let you edit your pages. Once you're done with your edits, PageLime publishes the changes to your site using FTP (or one of our other publishing methods).
in Public bookmarks with cms cool css editor live online
- Pandora
Makes a radio station by keyword!
Pandora is the music discovery service that helps you find new music based on your old and current favorites. Create custom internet radio stations, listen free.
in Public bookmarks with cool generator music radio service web by 222 users
- Patently Silly
The Humor of Invention - presented by Daniel Wright
Necessity is the mother of invention. The father is unknown. Patently Silly is a weekly collection of the most unusual patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office.
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in fun with cool funny patents website
- Peter Maurer ▸ Software ▸ Butler
a must!
in Public bookmarks with cool favorites mac osx software
- Phylotaxis / for Seed by Jonathan Harris (-)
Where science meets culture. The individual beads of the Phylotaxis represent an ever-changing zeitgeist of science news, populated automatically every few hours by a program that scours online news sources and blogs that focus on science.
in Public bookmarks with animated cool flash visual
- Phylotaxis / for Seed by Jonathan Harris (-)
Where science meets culture. The individual beads of the Phylotaxis represent an ever-changing zeitgeist of science news, populated automatically every few hours by a program that scours online news sources and blogs that focus on science.
in Public bookmarks with animated cool flash visual by 4 users
- Ping-o-Matic!
in Public bookmarks with cool multi ping
- Pixoh: Edit pictures online
På pixoh.com finner du nyttig information om pix oh . Här finns också ett antal andra intressanta länkar. Vi hoppas att du hittar det du söker!
in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet cool editor image online tools
- Pixoh: Edit pictures online
På pixoh.com finner du nyttig information om pix oh . Här finns också ett antal andra intressanta länkar. Vi hoppas att du hittar det du söker!
in Public bookmarks with advanced bookmarklet cool editor image online tools by 4 users
- portraitofakite
in Public bookmarks with cool customize mac mswindows by 2 users
- Project SIKULI
Easy visual programming using screenshots!
in Public bookmarks with cool idea mac programming to_check
Advanced editor, upload from URL select,undo,resite,red eye, blure...
Online Photo editing
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in Public bookmarks with cool editor flickr image online tool tools web by 3 users
- Redefine the dictionary - wordia
Think of a word, recored a video defining your word, upload
in Public bookmarks with cool dictionary fun idea multimedia video wordia by 3 users
- Send large files quickly and easily without clogging up your email.
Send large files quickly and easily without clogging up your email.
The best way to send large files if they are too big for email. If you need to send a file, send it with MailBigFile. Upload up to 2GB per file.
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in Public bookmarks with cool email file online secure send tools
- Shahi - A visual dictionary | Blachan Lab
Very nice :)
in Public bookmarks with cool dictionary flickr reference visual visualization
- Sprint - Sprint Sweets
Very nice ecard - (builds a film of people writing each letter)
in Public bookmarks with animated cool ecard ecards fun funny
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