- Bartelme Design | Deep Blue Wallpaper
Bartelme Design is a small design agency. Our focus is on creating standards compliant web sites and professional icons for your web site or application.
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- Bloglike - WEB 2.0, SEO & Webdesign
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- CHIP Online - Special: Tools für Entwickler und Designer - Tuning: Web 2.0-Features
Web 2.0: Communities, die Ihr Wissen in Online-Wikis teilen, dynamisch erzeugte Webseiten und Blogs. Mit folgenden Tools bauen Sie im Web der zweiten Generation.
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«Die Finanzbranche entdeckt das Web 2.0»
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- iconaholic.com | downloads
iconaholic.com (formerly called FOOOD's Icons) is a web site dedicated to everything to do with icons. Free downloads, design services, stock icons etc.</DD>
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- iOpus
Instant Web Automation and Web Test
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- Jens Kunath
Internet, web 2.0, Business-Angel, Social Networks, Venture Capital
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- Online Office, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, CRM and more
Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM etc</DD>
Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM, Database software etc
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- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Web site for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Web site for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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- public-beta.com
Handel, Marketing und Medien im Zeitalter von Web 2.0
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- SocialMash.de » Marktstudie – Web 2.0 immer wichtiger im Marketing von KMU
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- Zuula Search
Zuula is an innovative Internet search service that gives its users quick access to web, image, news blog and job search results from all the major search engines. With Zuula, users have the ability to get search results from their favorite search engine, such as Google or Yahoo!, but they also have one-click access to search results from a number of other search engines.
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