Web Basics with LWP my $url = ''; # Just an example: the URL for the most recent /Fresh Air/ show use LWP::Simple; my $content = get $url; die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $content; # Then go do things with $content, like this: if($content =~ m/jazz/i) { print "They're talking about jazz today on Fresh Air!\n"; } else { print "Fresh Air is apparently jazzless today.\n"; } LWP (short for Library for WWW in Perl ) is a group of Perl modules that lets you access data on the Web. Because there are so many modules in LWP, it's hard to know where to look for information on doing even the simplest things. This article offers... andburkeforlibrarylwpmodulesnetworkoreillyoreillynetperlsean in Software Development > PERLwith lwpperlprogramming