- FlashDevelop - Features
FlashDevelop. Utvecklingsmiljö för Flash och actionscript
in Flash ActionsScript with actionscript flash programmering programming utvecklingsmiljöer
- FlashDevelop.org
Utvecklingsmiljö (open source) för actionscript. Verkar sjyst..
in Flash ActionsScript with actionscript programmering programming utvecklingsmiljöer by 5 users
- Form PDF
Form PDF (pdf, fdf) - PHP Classes
in Public bookmarks with fdf pdf php programmering programming
- FPDF free pdf creator with php
The FPDF site
class fpdf free generator library pdf php
in Public bookmarks with pdf php programmering by 2 users
- freeCSScart
A Free CSS Shopping Cart
in Public bookmarks with cart css design programmering shopping webdesign by 2 users
- Friendly - framework for PHP-MySQL
A simple website development framework for PHP-MySQL
in PHP Framework with development framework php programmering programming by 2 users
- Generate PDFs with PHP [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]
skript för att skapa pdf filer i PHP
One of the most overlooked extensions in PHP4 is the PDFLib extension, which allows you to dynamically construct PDF documents through your PHP scripts. Icarus explains the nitty-gritty in this hands-on how-to.
in Public bookmarks with pdf php programmering
- Geocoding Addresses with PHP/MySQL
Google Maps API - Google Code
in Public bookmarks with google karta mapping php programmering programming
- get checkbox value - PHP
unserialize serialize data from Checkboxes and insert direct into database.
in Public bookmarks with form html php programmering programming
- Getting Started with Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT)
2 tablespoons
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- Google Base
Visa dina produkter på Google.
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- Google Chart API - Developer's Guide
Google Chart API - Google Code
in Public bookmarks with chart google grafer grafik programmering webdesign by 11 users
- Google Gears (BETA)
Create applications that can work offline
in Public bookmarks with ajax javascript programmering web web2.0 webdesign by 10 users
- Google Maps API
Interactive map
in Public bookmarks with kartor programmering by 4 users (all private)
- Google Open Social API
in Public bookmarks with api google programmering programming web2.0 by 18 users
- gotAPI.com
Reference Lookup Service
Quick reference search for HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, AJAX, Oracle, Prototype.JS, PHP, MySQL, ActionScript and more
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in Public bookmarks with api development html programmering programming by 12 users
- Grails framework
The search is over. Framework webdevelopment
in PHP Framework with framework programmering programming web2.0 webdesign by 2 users
- Handhelds.org
Open Source Operating Systems for Handheld Devices
in Public bookmarks with handdator programmering
- Home - XML Printer
in Public bookmarks with print printer programmering programming xml
- Hotscripts
the net’s largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal
Hot Scripts is the net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal. We are an Internet directory that compiles and distributes Web programming-related resources, geared toward webmasters, developers and programmers looking for enhancing their Web sites and intranets with dynamic development tools.
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in Public bookmarks with php programmering programming by 64 users
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