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A comprehensive and easily accessible database of book information, including reviews and ratings. Find books by title, author, rating, or genre.
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By irishdancer0215 in Public bookmarks with books imported
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- Internet Book List A database of book information.url
A comprehensive and easily accessible database of book information, including reviews and ratings. Find books by title, author, rating, or genre.
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By rcfried in Books with books database information.url internet list
- Internet Book List A database of book information.url
A comprehensive and easily accessible database of book information, including reviews and ratings. Find books by title, author, rating, or genre.
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By rcfried in Literature with book database information.url internet list literature
- Internet Book List
a database of book information and reviews
A comprehensive and easily accessible database of book information, including reviews and ratings. Find books by title, author, rating, or genre.
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By bubbychucks in Books with books database information reviews
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