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These are the public entries for this link:

  • Tel-Chai Nation
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    nation tel-chai
    By billsfan72 in Blogroll 2 with blogroll2 fortress fought israel jospeh nation tel-chai trumpeldor
  • Tel-Chai Nation
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    nation tel-chai
    By maddsdad05 in BLOGS > Blogs_S_T with blogroll2 fortress fought israel jospeh nation tel-chai trumpeldor
  • Tel-Chai Nation
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    Tel-Chai Nation - Israel, much like the fortress of Tel-Chai that Jospeh Trumpeldor fought to defend against Arab conquerors in 1920, finds itself beseiged by enemies both within and without. Terrorists, would-be friends inside and outside Israel, and even bad government officials. Here are the discussions of one proud Zionist resident on the state of the nation and abroad.
    nation tel-chai
    By conservadad05 in Blogroll with blogroll fortress fought israel jospeh nation tel-chai trumpeldor

NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.

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