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These are the public entries for this link:

  • Hague Express Structured Search
    The Hague Express Database includes bibliographical data and, as far as international registrations governed exclusively or partly by the 1999 and or by the 1960 Act(s) of the Hague Agreement are concerned, reproductions of industrial designs relating to international registrations that have been recorded in the International Register and published in the International Designs Bulletin as of issue No. 1 1999.
    By CIPBRU in IP > Design Models with bibliographical database design express far hague international models
  • Hague Express Structured Search
    The Hague Express Database includes bibliographical data and, as far as international registrations governed exclusively or partly by the 1999 and/or by the 1960 Act(s) of the Hague Agreement are concerned, reproductions of industrial designs relating to international registrations that have been recorded in the International Register and published in the International Designs Bulletin as of issue No. 1/1999.
    By sgrenez in IP > Design & Models with designs ip models

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