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These are the public entries for this link:
- Cathar Castles in the Languedoc
Cathar castles in the Languedoc South of France: including Peyreperteuse, Puivert, Cabaret (Lastours), Puilaurens, Montsegùr, Queribus, Termes, and Aguila.
By Petel in FRENCH and EUROPE LIVING with castles cathar europe france french languedoc living south
- Cathar Castles in the Languedoc
Cathar castles in the Languedoc South of France: including Peyreperteuse, Puivert, Cabaret (Lastours), Puilaurens, Montsegùr, Queribus, Termes, and Aguila.
By Petel in Unsorted Bookmarks with castles cathar france languedoc peyreperteuse puivert south unsorted
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.