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- PowerPoint in the Classroom
Meeting powerpoint, creating slikes, making changes, adding images and charts, adding motion, adding sound, timing and rehersing, taking it with you.
Students of all ages can create multimedia presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Teach them how using this fun-filled, online tutorial.
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By jpc_library in Public bookmarks with powerpoint tutorials
- PowerPoint in the Classroom
Teaches students to make PowerPoint presentations. Requires more literacy skills than many learners would have who could easily learn to use PowerPoint, but would be helpful for students with literacy skills or partners.
Students of all ages can create multimedia presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Teach them how using this fun-filled, online tutorial.
classroom devel guide k12 learn online powerpoint presentation resources school staff teacher technology training tutorial web
By jgordon in Tutorials > PowerPoint and Other Microsoft with classroom powerpoint tutorial
- PowerPoint in the Classroom
Students of all ages can create multimedia presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Teach them how using this fun-filled, online tutorial.
classroom devel guide k12 learn online powerpoint presentation resources school staff teacher technology training tutorial web
By beachschool in Teacher Resources > Grad classes with classes classroom grad powerpoint resources teacher
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.