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These are the public entries for this link:
- TREND HUNTER - #1 for Trends and Innovation
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with advertising blogs branding business coolhunting culture design fashion gadgets lifestyle marketing media news research technology
Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends
By intelcomp in INFORMACIÓN COMPETITIVA > Producto - Diseño - Tendencia with competitiva diseño hunting información producto spotting tendencia trend
By comoms07 in !Bookmarks Toolbar > #SOCIAL with social
Trends, Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation
By bmarker in Public bookmarks with trends
- TREND HUNTER Magazine - Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends
By ericqespiritu in Public bookmarks with blog community design electronics fashion fun gallery news portal reference shopping tech technology videos
Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends
By hector7579 in Portals with hunting innovation portals spotting trend trends
Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends
By stedman15 in Public bookmarks with marketing trends
- TREND HUNTER - Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends
Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting, and Innovation Trends, including: Gadgets, Technology Trends, Pop Culture, Style Trends, Art, and Design Trends
By iragerobbins in News lists and Blogs with blogs hunting innovation lists news spotting trend trends
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.