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These are the public entries for this link:
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication
Center for Nonviolent Communication
CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the NVC process and a nexus point of NVC-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, and organizational consulting services. CNVC’s mission is to contribute to more sustainable, compassionate, and “life-serving” human relations in the realms of both personal relationship and social systems and structures,
communication compassionate feelings good marshall needs non nonviolent nvc rosenberg skills violent
By trio in Public bookmarks with perforto progresema progressive violence
- The Center for Nonviolent Communication
CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the NVC process and a nexus point of NVC-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, and organizational consulting services. CNVC’s mission is to contribute to more sustainable, compassionate, and “life-serving” human relations in the realms of both personal relationship and social systems and structures,
communication compassionate feelings good marshall needs non nonviolent nvc rosenberg skills violent
By hno in Public bookmarks with communication gwc language nonviolence nvc organizations usa
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.