- Defense Information Systems Agency
DISA provides global NetCentric solutions for warfighter support. We provide computer processing and storage services, a world-wide communications system and essential global applications
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in Public bookmarks with computers government inteligenteco intelligence komputile military milito registaro by 2 users
- Intellipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in Public bookmarks with cia inteligenteco intelligence security sekureco by 2 users
- Open Source Intelligence
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Project Reason
A Non-Profit Dedicated to Reason
in Public bookmarks with inteligenteco project projekto science smart by 2 users
- STRATFOR - Geopolitical intelligence, economic, political, and military strategic forecasting | STRATFOR
Bombing in Oslo, Norway
Stratfor provides individual, corporate, and government website members situational awareness of breaking international events, non-ideological analyses of global developments, and forecasts of upcoming political, military, and economic events around the world.
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in Public bookmarks with costs inteligenteco intelligence kosto osint by 8 users
- The Wisdom of Crowds
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in Public bookmarks with folksonomy inteligenteco psychology by 4 users
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