Bookmaker News - Hills Set Fair to Ride Out The Storm The theory that few businesses thrive in a recession like those in the betting industry gained further credence this week when William Hill announced better than expected results for the latest trading quarter. Earnings were approximately £10million above those expected with business reported to be holding up surprisingly well in both their shops and online, despite the company’s share price having tumbled over the last 12 months from a high of 415p per share to around 230p. with betdaqbetfairfedererhillmurraynadalsportingbetwilliam
Boxing News - Big Fight Prompts Difference Of Opinion I had to look twice, rub my eyes, then look again when bookmakers sent me their early odds on the upcoming Amir Khan- Marco Antonio Barrera match-up last week. Was this possible? Had I fallen on a bet in which I couldn’t possibly lose? Yes, it was true, skybet were going 6-4 for a Barrera win while William Hill had taken the complete opposite view i.e. 6-4 Khan. With 22-1 quoted for a draw punters were, for a short time at least, able to get ahead of the game without fear of losing. with amirantoniobarrerabetfredboylesportshillkhanmarcoskybetwilliam
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