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  • Option
    An option is a contract, or a provision of a contract, that gives one party (the option holder) the right, but not the obligation, to perform a specified transaction with another party (the option issuer or option writer) according to specified terms. The owner of a property might sell another party an option to purchase the property any time during the next three months at a specified price. A lease might contain a provision granting the renter the option to extend the lease for an additional year. A corporate bond might have an option provision allowing the issuer to purchase the bond back from the purchaser five years prior to maturity for a specified price. A speculator might purchase an option to sell at any time during the next three months 100 sha...
    in stock option broker > learn with broker contract holder option party provision right stock
  • option Definition
    option - definition of option - The right, but not the obligation, to buy (for a call option) or sell (for a put option) a specific amount of a given stock, commodity, currency,...
    in stock option broker with broker buy definition obligation option right sell stock

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