- Periodicals Archive Online
Backfiles of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the full text of digitized periodicals indexed in its sister database, Periodicals Index Online.
in Public bookmarks with humanities journals__articles p social_sciences
- Periodicals Index Online
Indexes over 7,000 arts, humanities & social science journals, from their first issues through 2000.
in Public bookmarks with humanities journals__articles p social_sciences
- Philosopher's Index
1940-present. Journals & books in philosophy, religion, education, language, political science, anthropology, sociology.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles p philosophy religion
- Philosophy Documentation Center Collection
Full text searching of journals, book series, conference proceedings, & other publications in applied ethics, philosophy, religious studies, & related disciplines.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) e-journal(s) journals__articles p philosophy
- PhilPapers
Index and bibliography of works in philosophy.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles open_access p philosophy subject_gateway
- Play Index
Covers more than 31,000 plays published individually or in collections from 1949 to the present, written in or translated into English.
in Public bookmarks with english journals__articles literature p theater
- PLOS (Public Library of Science)
Provides open-access peer-reviewed scientific and medical journal articles and journals.
in Public bookmarks with biology e-journal(s) health_sciences journals__articles medicine open_access p psychology sciences
- Poetry & Short Story Reference Center
Hundreds of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays on such topics as poetic forms, movements and techniques — including contemporary content.
in Public bookmarks with english journals__articles literature p
- Points of View Reference Center
Resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that helps students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
in Public bookmarks with current_events journals__articles p political_science
- Political Science & Public Policy Collections on EBSCOhost
Contains six collections relating to political science, public administration, policy, and related areas.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles p political_science public_administration
- Political Science Complete
Includes full-text journals, reference books, monographs, and conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association.
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) international_studies journals__articles p political_science public_administration
- Popular 20th Century Magazines
Major general interest, opinion, and popular special interest magazines from the 20th century, and in some cases, also the 19th and 21st centuries.
in Public bookmarks with american_culture business e-journal(s) history journals__articles management p
- Population Index
1986-2000. Covers population topics, including fertility, mortality, population size and growth, migration, nuptiality & family, research methodology, projections & predictions, historical demography, demographic & economic interrelations. Not updated.
in Public bookmarks with anthropology journals__articles p social_sciences statistics
- Primary Search
Full-text database providing popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image collection. Students learn about a variety of topics, like endangered species, famous musicians, fitness and space exploration.
in Public bookmarks with journals__articles k-12 p
- PrimoVE
PrimoVE (pronounced PREE-mo-VEE) is the new discovery tool that lets you search the Thompson Library's books, journals, articles, course reserves, streaming media, and more.
in Public bookmarks with catalog e-book(s) e-journal(s) journals__articles p search_engine
- ProceedingsFirst
Contains tables of contents from over 190,000 worldwide conferences, meetings, etc. since 1993.
in Public bookmarks with health_sciences humanities journals__articles p sciences social_sciences
- Project Euclid Complete
Collection of journals in mathematics.
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) journals__articles mathematics p
- Project MUSE Open Access
Open access books and a few journals in a variety of topics.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) e-journal(s) humanities journals__articles open_access p social_sciences
- ProQuest Business
Collection of databases relating to business.
in Public bookmarks with business economics journals__articles management p
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) general_reference journals__articles p
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