- New England Journal of Medicine
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) journals__articles medicine n nursing physical_therapy psychology public_health
- New Republic Archive
1914-present. Prominent liberal journal of opinion, covering American politics, foreign policy, and culture.
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) international_studies journals__articles n political_science
- New York Review of Books
1963-present. Online access to all issues of one of the premier literary-intellectual magazines in the English language. Essays and reviews of books and the arts, including music, theater, dance, and film, many by writers who are themselves major forces in world literature and thought.
in Public bookmarks with book_reviews e-journal(s) english journals__articles literature n
- News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive (feat. Newsweek)
Archival collection comprising the backfiles of 15 major magazines (including the Newsweek archive), covering 1918-2015.
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) history journals__articles n newspapers--historical political_science
- Nexis Uni
"Full-text access to over 15,000 sources of news, business, legal, and reference information worldwide.
Keyword(s): United States"
in Public bookmarks with business journals__articles law management n newspaper(s) newspapers--current newspapers--historical
- OECD iLibrary
Books, journals from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) e-journal(s) economics journals__articles numeric_data o statistics subject_gateway
- OmniFile Full Text Select
1994-present. Covers art, broadcasting, computers, economics, education, engineering, environment, general interest, general science, health care, international trade, management, public administration, others.
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) history journals__articles o
- OneMine
OneMine is a collaborative effort among multiple societies to create a comprehensive collection of mining and minerals based research.
in Public bookmarks with engineering geography_planning_and_environment journals__articles o subject_gateway
- OnePetro
Online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration industry, maintained by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
in Public bookmarks with engineering journals__articles o
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)
Index of over 2.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from over 1,000 institutions worldwide. Links provided to the hosting institution's digital repository.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) general_reference journals__articles o open_access
- OpinionArchives
All issues of American Spectator, Commentary, Commonweal, Dissent, Harper's Magazine, NACLA, The Nation, National Review, The New Republic, New York Review of Books, and The New Yorker.
in Public bookmarks with american_culture communication e-journal(s) journals__articles o political_science
- Opposing Viewpoints
"Covers contemporary social issues with pro/con and background information. Also allows searching of the collection Global Issues.
Keyword(s): United States"
in Public bookmarks with africa_and_diaspora_studies communication current_events education english_language_program_(elp) journals__articles newspapers--current o political_science subject_gateway
- Oxford Academic: Access to OUP resources on COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and related topics
Content from online resources and leading journals freely accessible to assist researchers, medical professionals, policy makers, and others who are working to address this health crisis.
in Public bookmarks with covid-19_temporary_open_access_resources journals__articles o open_access
- Oxford Journals
Full-text access to recent volumes of scholarly journals in all subject areas published by Oxford University Press. Covers 1996-present (varies by journal).
in Public bookmarks with e-journal(s) journals__articles o
- PAIS Index
1915-present. Public affairs, public and social policies, international relations.
in Public bookmarks with international_studies journals__articles p political_science
- PapersFirst
Citations to over 6.5 million papers presented at worldwide meetings, conferences, etc., since 1993.
in Public bookmarks with business health_sciences humanities journals__articles p sciences social_sciences
- Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases
Indexes 4,200 European-language journals in science, technology, medicine, humanities & social sciences, 1972-2014.
in Public bookmarks with french journals__articles open_access p religion sciences social_sciences
- Peace Research Abstracts
1964-present. Covers conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
in Public bookmarks with international_studies journals__articles p political_science
- PEP - Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
Full-text digital archive of many of the major works of psychoanalysis.
in Public bookmarks with e-book(s) e-journal(s) journals__articles p psychology
- Performing Arts Periodicals Database
1864-present; index of articles in theatre, dance, & film.
in Public bookmarks with dance film journals__articles p theater
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