- acpl reference librarian blog
in Librarian Tools > Librarian Blogs I Like with acpl blog librarian reference tools
- Chronicle Careers 12-9-2004 Covering the Bases
in Employment Search > Librarian Job Search with 12-9-2004 bases careers chronicle job librarian search
- Digital Librarian Reference
in Librarian Tools with digital librarian reference tools by 2 users
- Facts On File
Infobase Publishing
in Librarian Tools > Reference book publishers with book infobase librarian publishers publishing reference tools by 2 users
- Frank Potter's Science Gems
in Librarian Tools with frank gems librarian potters science tools by 2 users
- Gale - Home
in Librarian Tools > Reference book publishers with book gale home librarian publishers reference tools
- High School Librarian Job Profile
in Employment Search > Job Search - Search Sites > Library Stuff with job librarian library profile school search sites stuff
- infoplease Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help.
Information Please is the world's largest free reference site. Here you can find facts on thousands of subjects including sports, entertainment, technology, business, education, and health.
almanac atlas biograp dictionary encyclopedia entertainment internet on-line records sports states statistics u.s united world
in Librarian Tools with almanac atlas biographies dictionary encyclopedia infoplease librarian tools by 68 users
- Internet Library For Librarians
in Librarian Tools with internet librarian librarians library tools by 9 users
- Internet Public Library
ipl2 is a public service organization and a learning / teaching environment.In January 2010, the website "ipl2: information you can trust" was launched, merging the collections of resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL) and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII) websites.
ipl2: Information You Can Trust features a searchable, subject-categorized directory of authoritative websites; links to online texts, newspapers, and magazines; and the Ask an ipl2 Librarian online reference service.
arts books business computers education government history information internet law library literature public reference
in Internet Search Sites & Databases with internet librarian library public tools by 64 users
- Librarians' Internet Index
in Librarian Tools with index internet librarian librarians tools by 56 users
- Library Journal
coupling writing & librarian careers
in Public bookmarks with careers coupling librarian writing
- libraryspot.com Encyclopedias, maps, online libraries, quotations, dictionaries & more.
Find the best library and reference resources at LibrarySpot.com, including top dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, quotations and much more.
in Librarian Tools with dictionaries encyclopedias librarian libraries maps online quotations tools by 36 users
- Martindale's 'The Reference Desk'
International Art, Business, Science & Technology
in Librarian Tools with art business international librarian science technology tools by 23 users
- O'Keefe Library-Best Information on the Net
Resources for Librarians - Reference
in Librarian Tools with librarian librarians reference resources tools
- Omnigraphics, Inc.
Quality Reference Works
in Librarian Tools > Reference book publishers with book librarian publishers quality reference tools works
- Refdesk.com ... Reference, Facts, News ... Free and Family-friendly Resources
in Librarian Tools with facts family-friendly free librarian news reference resources tools by 82 users
- Reference Librarian Sites
in Librarian Tools with librarian reference sites tools
- SlideShare (share powerpoint presentations online, slideshows, slide shows, download presentations, widgets, MySpace codes)
in Librarian Tools with librarian online powerpoint presentations slideshare slideshows tools by 77 users
- The Reader’s Advisor Online Blog
Welcome to THE blog for readers' advisors and bibliophiles who work with readers. Blog highlight includes readers’ advisory librarian’s weekly update, from a scan of more than 100 blogs, newsletters, magazines, newspapers and television. This blog is brought to you by the Reader’s Advisor Online, the subscription database based on Libraries Unlimited’s Genreflecting Advisory series.
in Librarian Tools > Librarian Blogs I Like with blog librarian readers-advisory
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