- Advanced Storytelling SLIS 5611 | Storytelling Concert Performances
Advanced Storytelling SLIS 5611 -- Do you love a good story? How about a real whopper? Well, we've got scores of stories to put a 'haw' in your guffaw! From the home on the range to faraway Spain, the tales we have for you come from all around the world and will transport you far from the drudgery of everyday dealings. Our class would like to whisk you away to another reality. One that resembles ours, but inhabits another space entirely! We would like to invite you to kick off your shoes, grab a comfy chair, and click with wild abandon!
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- Cafe Dewey
Dewey lesson - - The chef, seated in the kitchen (an opac station), prepares the meal by searching for the topic on the opac. They write down the ingredients (call number) and request that the assistant chef find the items (book). The assistant chef locates the item (book) and hands it to the waiter (they can use a shelfmarker to mark where the item came from).
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- Children's book review project
This site reviews children's books. There are three ways to search for a book.
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- DOGO News
Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news, photos, maps on science, science, sports, and more. (For elementary and middle school children) Teachers can create their own online newspaper and students can contribute or discuss articles. (Top 100 Site 2010)
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- Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
D.E.A.R. stands for Drop Everything and Read. National D.E.A.R. Day is a special reading celebration to remind and encourage families to make reading together on a daily basis a family priority.
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- Fun Mathematics Lessons by Cynthia Lanius
Mathematics lessons for elementary, middle, and high school including geometry, fractions, and algebra.
algebra education fractals fractions geometry learning math mathematics school
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- Into the Book
Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies
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- Into the Book
Into the Book is a reading comprehension resource for K-4 students and teachers. We focus on eight research-based strategies: Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing.
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- Library Skills Instructional Support - Capstone
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- Sheppard Software - educational games and activities for kids of all ages.
We design educational software and online games with these goals: 1) To add sound and visual effects to make learning fun and more memorable. 2) To design games with many difficulty levels so that players will continue to be challenged no matter how far they progress. 3) To provide games that will exercise players' brains.
Hundreds of fun educational games and activities for kids to play online. Topics include math, geography, animals, and more.
children e-learning education english free fun games grammar homeschool kids language learning math multiplication science
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- SlimeKids
School Library Media Kids -- CHECK THIS OUT > > >
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- Smithsonian Wild
This site is designed to showcase some of the exciting research conducted by the Smithsonian Institution and its collaborators around the world, and to highlight the incredible diversity of wildlife that exists in a range of habitats across the globe. The use of motion-triggered 'camera traps' has become an incredibly useful tool for scientists to answer an enormous range of conservation and ecological questions
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- Tikatok - Kids Activities
Publish a Children's Book with Tikatok
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- TweenTribune.com
News for tweens, kids and students -- articles that younger students can read and enjoy. In fact your students can add stories. This site is for teachers and students, so if you are doing some current events or research, take the time to check it out!
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