- Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars
Academic Earth is working to bring together the best available content across many subjects and distribute it in an engaging and useful way to learners worldwide.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education videos 影片 教育 by 13 users
- Engrade - The Classroom Community
Free online tools for teachers including a free online gradebook, free homework calendar, free student messaging, free attendance, and more.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education information-technology management progress-reports softwares teacher 教師 教育 管理 資訊科技 軟體 進度表 by 2 users
- ASCD | For the Success of Each Learner
an authoritative source of information about teaching and learning, new ideas and practices relevant to practicing educators, and the latest trends and issues affecting prekindergarten through higher education.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education information-technology magazines teacher 教師 教育 資訊科技 雜誌 by 2 users
- Edutopia: What Works in Public Education
Hundreds of articles, expert interviews, research, and resources highlighting success stories in K-12 education. Short videos provide case studies in technology integration, project-based learning, emotional intelligence, teacher preparation, assessment and more.
Empowering and connecting teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education. Join the conversation today!
and assessment based classroom development education emotional learning project public school social styles teacher technology
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education information-technology magazines teacher 教師 教育 資訊科技 雜誌 by 6 users
- eTeacher.edu.tw.教師網路素養與認知網
網際網路的興起,使得生活各個層面都面臨了挑戰與衝擊,「教師網路素養與認知網站」,為了因應網路對青少年所帶來的各種影響與現象,我們提供了「家長Q&A、網路禮儀、網路交友、網咖現象、網路沈迷 、網路遊戲、網路安全、網路交易、網路法律」等主題文章、設計教案、撰寫專文、以及發行電子報…等等,並希望透過網路傳遞訊息,幫助瀏覽者進一步地了解青少年與孩子的網路世界,協助他們養成「安全、合理、合宜、合法」的態度與使用行為,以適應數位社會。
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education educational-organization handouts information-literacy librarianship libraries library-lesson taiwan-government teacher tutorials 台灣政府 圖書課 圖書資訊學 圖書館 教學網站 教師 教育 教育組織 筆記 資訊素養
- The Department of Education & Training, Western Australia - Curriculum Materials Information Services (CMIS)
The Curriculum Materials Information Services consists of the Cataloguing and Evaluation sections. The Cataloguing Section provides catalogue records for library resources, including books, videos and computer software. The Evaluation Section identifies curriculum materials which support school curriculum applications, coordinates the evaluation of these resources and disseminates the information to schools. The Evaluation Section identifies curriculum materials which support school curriculum applications, coordinates the evaluation of these resources and disseminates the information to all WA government schools.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with australia-government directories education information-technology librarianship library-lesson teacher 圖書課 圖書資訊學 教師 教育 澳洲政府 目錄 資訊科技
- Edutopia - Grading with Games: An Interview with James Paul Gee
An Arizona State University professor sees a bright future for video games in the learning process -- in and out of school.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education games information-technology teacher videos 影片 教師 教育 資訊科技 遊戲
- Demolab 物理教學示範實驗教室
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education educational-organization physics science tutorials 教學網站 教育 教育組織 物理 科學
- Daily Fongyun - Reflection from Finland
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with blogs education european northern-europe teacher-related western 北歐 教師 教育 歐洲 西方
- Hanover County Public Schools - Lesson Plan Book
Lesson Plans to complement the Hanover County Library Media Curriculum.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education educational-organization handouts information-literacy librarianship libraries library-lesson teacher tutorials 圖書課 圖書資訊學 圖書館 教學網站 教師 教育 教育組織 筆記 資訊素養 by 2 users
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