- huddle ~ Online Project Management, Group Collaboration and Document Sharing
Huddle is a network of Online workspaces that brings project management, group collaboration and document sharing together.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education information-technology technologies wikis 教育 科技 維基 資訊科技 by 8 users
- Springnote - your online notebook based on wiki
Springnote is a service that has captured the essence of wiki. It works as a representative service of the web as a platform and the writable web. It has an easy Springnote editor with plug-ins and templates and it's simple to create various mash-ups using the Open API. Most of all, Springnote, which is evolving with users' needs, is looking forward to the day when it becomes a web platform of its own.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with education information-technology technologies wikis 教育 科技 維基 資訊科技 by 4 users
- Educational Origami
Educational Origami is a blog, and a wiki, about the integration of ICT into the classroom, this is one of the largest challenges that I feel we as teachers face. Marc Prensky coined the now popular and famous phrase "Digital natives and digital immigrants" in his two papers on digital Children. We the teachers are the immigrants and our students are the natives, brought up in a world where there has always been computers and the internet, where information is always instant and varied. I made this wiki on request from Miguel Guhlin after I blogged about matching ICT tools to traditional classroom practice and Bloom's Taxonomy.
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases education information-technology teacher-related wikis 教師 教育 維基 資料庫 資訊科技 by 2 users
- Educational Origami
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases education information-technology teacher wikis 教師 教育 維基 資料庫 資訊科技
- Welcome to Google Sites
By chalonturk in Software TOOLS > Wikis with google sites software tools wikis by 6 users
- Socialtext Enterprise Wiki
By chalonturk in Software TOOLS > Wikis with enterprise socialtext software tools wikis by 15 users
- Free wiki | Business
Education - Personal | PBwiki.com
Online Team Collaboration: shared workspaces for working with colleagues, clients, and partners.
By chalonturk in Software TOOLS > Wikis with education personal software tools wikis by 39 users
- SCLA - - Home Page
South Carolina Library Association Wiki
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with class-wikis library-associations wikis
- The Distant Librarian: Wetpaint Education Wikis Are Now Ad-free!
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with class-wikis wetpaint wikis
- Welcome to the Eddies! The Edublog Awards
nominations and winners of the annual edublog awards. educational blogs, wikis, and more.
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with blogs education libraries schoollibrary2.0 web2.0 wikis by 2 users
Results 21 - 30 for wikis
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