Lee Byron » What » Listening History The result is a printed poster, generated using Processing. The poster shows the changing trends in listening history by showing a stacked graph of all musicians that user has listened to over time, and their changing interest in the eyes of that user. The poster is a sort of virtual mirror, reflecting very personally significant events made visible by the changes in listening trends. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith graphhistorylast.fmlisteningmusicprocessingvisualisation
Patrick Baudisch's projects Patrick Baudisch is a research scientist in the field of human-computer interaction at the Adaptive Systems and Interaction Research Group at Microsoft Research, as well as an Affiliate Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Washington. His research focus is on interaction with small screen devices, which evolved from a longer series of research projects on interaction with large displays. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith designerinfographicsinformationinteractionpatrickbaudischtouchscreenvideosvisualisation