GENEVA TOURISM SAFETY Geneva is NOT at all a dangerous city. In my view there is really not much of a risk to your safety!! The Geneva Police do a generally first rate job. This site is put online to provide information so that you know what you might encounter as you walk about the streets of a beautiful town. Naturally like any other place in Western Europe one should be streetwise and know some basic information for SENIOR CITIZENS - WOMEN and TOURISTS placed online on,, and By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith genevesafetytipstravel
GTDtimes Oficial blog of David Allen and the David Allen Company. It’s the hub for ‘all things GTD’ where you can read the latest Getting Things Done® and David Allen Company news, our reviews and personal experience with tools and GTD-supportive technology, as well as GTD tips, tricks and strategies. By hnoin Public bookmarkswith gtdlifehackspersonal_developmentproductivitytipsweblogsby 5 users