- ThoughtOffice-creativity tool
Creative software for brainstorming and innovation. ThoughOffice is the leading solution for lateral thinking and brainstorming. Over 13,700 questions, 7,370,000 words, phrases, lyrics, quote, definitions and word associations help you rapidly clarify and solve problems. Move from Creativity to Productivity with ThoughtOffice.
Develop Breakthrough Ideas in 10 Minutes. ThoughtOffice taps the minds of 217 creative geniuses. Over 13,700 questions, 10,985,690 words, phrases, lyrics, quote, definitions and word associations to help you get creative and stay there. Used by 470 of the Fortune 500 and over 390,000 small businesses and agencies.
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By jgntvz in Public bookmarks with brainstorming creative innovation lateral leading software solution thoughoffice
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