- Sanguinus.org - Online Vampire The Masquerade Chronicle
A roleplaying server for the Sanguinus chronicle, based on White Wolf Publishing's Vampire: the Masquerade. Includes an independent server, player forums, character creation, house rules, city information and more.
By newkiraj in Public bookmarks with chronicle publishings roleplaying sanguinus server vampire white wolf
- The Big List of RPG Plots, by S. John Ross
Every RPG plot ever in the history of the whole world ever: An arbitrary exercise by S. John Ross. No GM can afford not to read this.
By tpsaint in Public bookmarks with blog blogs design education fun funny games gaming humor plot reference roleplaying rpg writing by 6 users
- The Bard's Tales-Name Generation
By tpsaint in Public bookmarks with games generator name names roleplaying rpg tools web by 2 users
- Eve Online
a massive multiplayer online roleplaying space game - MMORPG
EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online game that offers limitless potential to discover, explore and conquer an amazing science fiction universe where you pilot spaceships, fight, trade, and form corporations and alliances with other players.
By FTiger00 in From Internet Explorer > Games Misc with games massive misc mmorpg multiplayer online roleplaying space by 14 users
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