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  • Parliamentary Procedure by John A. Cagle
    which apply to large meetings of assemblies or plenary bodies. The Associated Students Senate is a board of directors and probably its business is best transacted normally using the rules for boards. On the other hand, the Fresno State's Academic Senate is a much larger body and operates normally under general plenary rules, as would many student organizations (such as fraternities and sororities) at meetings. 1. Members are not required to obtain the floor before making motions or speaking, which they can do while seated. 2. Motions need not be seconded. 3. There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally are not allowed. [Note: In practice, even these motions are in fact usually allo
    By anarchyandy in Public bookmarks with parliamentary_procedure roberts_rules_of_order
  • Daniel Cronn-Mills
    Teaches parliamentary procedure at MSU - affiliated with college of Graduate Studies
    By anarchyandy in Public bookmarks with parliamentary_procedure roberts_rules_of_order

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