rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs Kellan’s rev=canonical service exposes rev=canonical links using a server-side script running on App Engine. An obvious next step is to distil that logic in to a bookmarklet. I decided to combine the rev=canonical logic with my json-tinyurl web service (also on App Engine), which allows browsers to lookup or create TinyURLs using a cross-domain JSONP request. The resulting bookmarklet will display the site’s rev=canonical link if it exists, or create and display a TinyURL link otherwise: By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith canonicalrelrevshortenersimontinyurlurlwillison
XFN 1.1 profile HTML4 definition of the 'rel' attribute. Here are some additional values, each of which can be used or omitted in any combination (unless otherwise noted, and except where prohibited by law) and their meanings, symmetry, transitivity and inverse if any. Please see the XFN home page for more information about XFN. By mfogin Public bookmarkswith htmlmetadatarelwebstandardsxml