- MSN Spaces
MSN Spaces
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with msn network online publishing service weblog
- Blogsome
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with blog online publishing service wordpress by 7 users
- Project Poster Home
Project Poster allows students to make online school projects and short reports quickly and easily. Students can include one image (.gif or .jpg format), four links to other Web pages, and a report of up to 3,500 characters.
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By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with creator editor online page publishing service study tools by 2 users
- Carbonmade: Show off your work.
to create an online portofolio
Carbonmade helps you build and manage an online portfolio website. Use Carbonmade to show off your design, illustration, art, or any other type of creative work.
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By ycc2106 in webapps > publishing with ajax application draganddrop manager online photo publishing service webapps
- Carbonmade: Show off your work.
Carbonmade helps you build and manage an online portfolio website. Use Carbonmade to show off your design, illustration, art, or any other type of creative work.
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By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with ajax application draganddrop manager online photo publishing service by 17 users
- Lulu.com - Self Publishing - Free
Eigene Bücher veröffentlichen
Lulu.com lässt Sie erstellen, selbst veröffentlichen, drucken und verkaufen bei Bedarf bedruckte Bücher, eBooks, Fotobücher und Kalender mit kostenloser Buch Veröffentlichung.
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By knuddelbacke in Public bookmarks with book lulu pod publishing
- Welcome to Your StikiPad.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with host publishing service wiki by 6 users
- Semblog: Personal Publishing Platform with RSS and FOAF
In this paper we propose a personal publishing system with Semantic Web techniques and Weblog tools. We use a lightweight metadata format like RSS to activate the information flow and its activities. Our system called Semblog platform consists of two t ypes of extended content aggregator and information retrieval/recommendation applications. The system will support not only content publishing process but also information gathering and authoring processes synthetically. Finally we proposed bottom-up pers onal ontology system for richer information distribution.
By ycc2106 in fun > example idea with foaf ontology publishing rss semantic
- Google Brin Creator
Has Google Page Creator let you down? Are they still unable to offer new accounts due to heavy demand? Is your googlepages.com address already taken? Why don't you start creating Sergey Brins instead of Larry Pages? They will live on our site at googlebrins.com/yournickname – over 963 have been created so far!
Google Brin Creator is a free online tool that finally makes it easy for anyone to create and publish cool, attractive Sergey Brins in just minutes.
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By ycc2106 in webapps > publishing with creator google online page publishing service webapps
- typolis: Home
Weblog service with lovely interface and a tag cloud
By ycc2106 in webapps > publishing with cloud publishing service social software tag webapps weblog
Results 141 - 150 for publishing
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