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  • HDR - High Dynamic Range - Adobe Photoshop CS3 Tutorial - Mark Galer |
    Article by Photoshop expert and author Mark Galer. Photoshop’s Merge to HDR (High Dynamic Range) automated feature has been improved for CS3, but it is still not able to merge exposures where subjects have moved between the separate exposures. The technique in this tutorial (taken from the new Photoshop CS3: Essential Skills book) shows you how to resolve this problem. This technique also offers superior midtone contrast than Photoshop’s merge to HDR automated feature.
    Article by Photoshop expert and author Mark Galer. Photoshop’s Merge to HDR (High Dynamic Range) automated feature has been improved for CS3, but it is still not able to merge exposures where subjects have moved between the separate exposures. The technique in this tutorial (taken from the new Photoshop CS3: Essential Skills book) shows you how to resolve this problem. This tec
    adobe cs3 photoshop
    By patfale in Public bookmarks with article author expert galer mark merge photoshop photoshops

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