- How To Use A Monopod & Multi-Purpose Tripod
Instructions on how to use a monopod for outdoor digital photography.
Instructions on how to use a monopod for outdoor digital photography.
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By jaime in Photography with digital instructions monopod outdoor photography by 3 users
- Riya - Visual Search
Riya is a new kind of visual search engine. We look inside the image, not only at the text around it. Use Riya to find similar faces and objects on many images across the web, then refine the results, using color, shape and texture.
Riya is a new kind of visual search engine. We look inside the image, not only at the text around it. Use Riya to find similar faces and objects on many images across the web, then refine the results, using color, shape and texture.
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Free customizable photo galleries, slideshows, blogs, and websites. Uber is the best place online to make web pages and share yourself.
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By ericqespiritu in Public bookmarks with blog community entertainment music photography photos portal style video videos by 6 users
- Tricks of the Trade
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- Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools
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- Infiltration
The zine about going places you're not supposed to go, like tunnels, abandoned buildings, rooftops, hotel pools and more.
The zine about going places you're not supposed to go, like tunnels, abandoned buildings, rooftops, hotel pools and more.
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By tpsaint in Public bookmarks with activism alternative architecture archive blog bookmark culture exploration infiltration photography urban urban-exploration urbanexploration by 6 users
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