outlinertools : The home of my OPML outliner tool. (-) Released v.01 of my outlinerTool for Dave Winer's OPML editing tool. This first version of the tool includes support for right-click menus to search Google for text selected from outlines including instant outlines. Download the tool by saving the following link to disk in your OPML/Guest Databases/Apps/Tools folder: By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith opmloutlinertools
FeedVault - Put your feeds in the safe! (-) If you are like most bloggers, your newsreader has more than 100+ feeds. These feeds are stored in, what is known as, an OPML file, some people call it a reading list or feed list. What if your online newsreader went down? Or your PC based newsreader cras By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith backupopmlrsstoolby 3 users