- Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups
Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups #googlemaps #mashups ############
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with google-maps mashable mashups resources by 4 users
- Enterprise Web vs Consumer Web [2.0]
Top Six Differences | Bits And Buzz, by Jeremy Chone
By henrik in Development > Mashups with 2.0 enterprise mashups web web2.0
- IBM Web 2.0 developer e-Kit: Overview
Welcome to the IBM Web 2.0 developer e-Kit. In this kit you will find a comprehensive set of resources including podcasts -- many of which are exclusive to this e-Kit, demos, webcasts, tutorials, articles, case studies, trials and much more organized into three solution areas: * Web 2.0 application development and Rich Internet Applications * Enterprise mashups * Collaboration and social computing
By henrik in Development > Mashups with 2.0 ajax development ibm mashup mashups smash toolkit web web2.0
- daymix
Daymix shows the latest information on any topic. Description, talk, news, blogs, photos, videos, related sections, everything all in one place.
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with aggregators daymix mashups news by 2 users
- Flickr Slideshow - create flickr photo slideshows for your website or blog
Flickr Slideshow - create flickr photo slideshows for your website or blog #photo #Flickr #slideshows #tools
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with flickr mashups slideshows
- Tweeteorology | the Twitterverse on the Weather
tweeteorology is a project of Magical Pork. It was developed by Libby Hemphill using * Twitter's Search API, * Google' Maps API, * WeatherBug's API, and * the great atom feed parsing functions from Simple Pie.
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with mashups social-media twitter weather
- Web 2.0 Mashups - Den hemliga konkurrensfördelen - IDG.se
Möjligheten för personer ute i verksamheten att snabbt skapa analyser och beslutsstödsunderlag utan att blanda in it-avdelningen kan ge en stor konkurrensfördel. Mashups är en lösning på frammarsch.
By henrik in Development > Mashups with ajax javascript mashup mashups smash web2.0
- LastFM Love/Twitter mashup
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with last.fm mashups twitter
- twt.fm
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with mashups music twitter
- Obamicon.Me - Home
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with avatar barackobama cool design fun generator graphics image images mashups obama obamicon photo photography pictures poster posters tools web2.0 webservice by 3 users
Results 11 - 20 for mashups
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