- Collecting Knowledge from Volunteer Contributors
Contribute your knowledge in this game to make computers smarter
1001 games knowledge paraphrases questions
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics > Wikification with collecting computational contributors knowledge linguistics volunteer wikification
- Manuel Barbera, Corpus resources
language-specific links to corpora, e-texts and NLP resources in general.
Go to CLR Guide
By mcswell in Languages > General Resources with barbera computational corpora corpus linguistics manuel resources
- Grzegorz Kondrak
I am particularly interested in:
* identification of cognates -- words that are similar across different languages (e.g. English night and German nacht)
* applications of cognates in various areas of NLP, including language reconstruction, sentence and word alignment in bitexts, machine translation, and detecting confusable drug names
* computing word similarity (orthographic, phonetic, and semantic)
* applications of bioinformatics in NLP
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics > People with computational grzegorz kondrak linguistics people
TUSTEP is a professional toolbox for scholarly processing textual data (including those in non-latin scripts) with a strong focus on humanities applications.
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics with computational linguistics tustep
- The Economics of Open Source Hijacking and Declining Quality of Digital Information Resources
A Case for Copyleft
Downloadable! The economics of information goods suggest the need for institutional intervention to address the problem of revenue extraction from investments in resources characterized by high fixed costs of production and low marginal costs of reproduction and distribution. Solutions to the appropriation issue, such as copyright, are supposed to guarantee an incentive for innov
and content copyleft copyright domain economics hijacking information intellectual knowledge open property public rights source
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics > Wikification with computational linguistics wikification
- speech accent archive
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics > Speech Recognition with accent archive computational linguistics recognition speech by 6 users
- Language Technology World
Language Technology World is an ontology-based virtual information center on the wide spectrum of technologies for dealing with human languages. It is a free service provided to the R & D community, potential users of language technologies, students and other interested parties by the German Research Center for Artific
centre computational conferences information language linguistics news organisations patents people projects technology virtual
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics with computational language linguistics technology world
- Blogos
By mcswell in Computational Linguistics with blogos computational linguistics
- Semantic Compositions
By mcswell in Linguistics > Semantics with compositions linguistics semantics
- Mixing Memory
Idioms, Metaphors, and Lakoff, Oh My!
By mcswell in Linguistics > Semantics with idioms lakoff linguistics metaphors semantics
Results 171 - 180 for linguistics
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