- UCLA Clark Lib Newsletter
By AlterNat3 in Resources with clark lib newsletter resources ucla by 2 users
- Programmin Perl, 3d edition (from Russian lib)
By NemSys in Programming > Perl > Books with books edition lib perl programming russian by 2 users
- jQuery: Tutorial
JQuery is yet another JavaScript library to join the already crowded space that includes Prototype, Scriptaculous, Rico, Moo.Fx and maybe a dozen others. You attach the ".JS" file in your <head> to get access to lots of pre-built functions and gizmos.
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By mfog in Public bookmarks with css effects gui html lib ria
- AjaxTags: Home
AjaxTags: Home
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with ajax javascript lib
- Replace Pop-Ups with dynamic includes using DOMinclude - Wait till I come!
Pop-up windows are a pain for both the developer and the users. Often enough a page needs to link to a terms and conditions document and as the client does not want the user to leave the page you are asked to implement them in a pop-up.Replace Pop-Ups with dynamic includes using DOMinclude - Wait till I come!
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with ajax download inpage javascript lib
- Behaviour
Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours
By mfog in Public bookmarks with behaviors css javascript lib library ria web2.0 by 2 users
- Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects
Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with ajax download ex lib script
- Script Smarter
Quality JavaScript from Scratch [JavaScript & DHTML Tutorials]
If you've avoided JavaScript, or only knew it in its previous "toy language" incarnations, now's the time to step up and get to know the newer, smarter JavaScript. This hands-on tour will get you started with JavaScript before illuminating the ways in which the DOM can be utilised via JavaScript, the practicalities of pop-up windows, and how JavaScript can work within a web page t
By mfog in Public bookmarks with css javascript lib library web2.0
- TinyAjax - php5 Ajax library
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with ajax javascript lib php
- BlueShoes JavaScript Remote Scripting (JSRS), (AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
By mfog in Public bookmarks with ajax javascript lib library remoting ria
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