- Shodouka
This service lets you view pages containing Japanese characters (in the JIS, EUC, or Shift-JIS encodings) without requiring Japanese language support in your browser or operating system. If you can read Japanese but don't want to buy software to see Japanese websites, this service is for you. All the Japanese characters are turned into images that can be viewed in any graphical browser.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with font japanese tool url webpage
- Bisqwit's Japanese language related tools - list
Even through he mentions religious stuff, he has useful tools for japanese
Bisqwit's Japanese language related tools - list
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with converter japanese online tool translator
- [Ajax] Romanization of Japanese language (Kanji and Kana)
Show all kanji, ONYOMI possibilities
By ycc2106 in tools with japanese kanji onyomi tool transliteration
- kanji romaji hiragana convert
not instant transliteration
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with converter furigana japanese kanji transliteration
- jeKai Home Page
a group of volunteers throughout the world began creating an open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. The form and content of the dictionary are decided by the participants in the project. Among its features are the following: * Definitions that explain the meaning of words as completely as possible * As many examples as possible of each word in real contexts * Photographs and other illustrations, especially for entries about uniquely Japanese things * No restrictions on the type or range of vocabulary * No restrictions on the length of entries The dictionary has been named jeKai (je海), pronounced "jay-kai" or ジェーカイ.
The home page of the jeKai dictionary, a cooperative volunteer project to create a free and open Japanese-English dictionary with explanatory definitions, examples, and illustrations.
dictionaries dictionary japan japanese japanese-english jekai words
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with dictionary english japanese
- Denshi Jisho - Online Japanese dictionary
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with japanese lookup mobile_bookmark
- Denshi Jisho - Online Japanese dictionary
Denshi Jisho is an easy-to-use and powerful online Japanese dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji and example sentences by searching in many ways. The dictionaries are also interlinked so that you can check what the kanji in a word mean individually or what context a word can be used in. You can also look up kanji by the parts they contain. Denshi Jisho Bookmarklet. Select a Japanese word on a page, then click the bookmarklet to make a quick lookup on that word.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet japanese kanji language lookup translator by 5 users
- WWWJDIC: Word Search
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with dictionary japanese kanji
- Ajax IME: Web-based Japanese Input Method
スの日本語入力サービスです。海外からでもブラウザさえあれば日本語を入力す ることができます。 特別なソフトは必要ありませ
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with japanese kanji keyboard tool virtual by 2 users
- Sumibi.org ローマ字を日本語に変換できる無料サイト
# ローマ字で単語を入力し、スペースを入力すると日本語に変換されます。 (例: ryokou ni kiteimasu. → 旅行に来ています。) # このページは長文作成用です。Google検索を行う場合は『Google検索モード』ページが便利です。 # 助詞『は』『を』『と』『に』等 はスペースで区切って入力します。(例: watashi ha ryokou ga sukidesu. → 私は旅行が好きです。)
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with converter japanese kana kanji search by 2 users
Results 21 - 30 for japanese
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