Applying AI Planning to Semantic Web Services for Workflow Generation Semantic Web Services (SWS) intend to enhance
interoperability and encapsulate domain knowledge
via semantic descriptions. This paper claims that
service composition in a service-oriented computing
paradigm is an AI planning problem. We present the
Event Calculus (EC) - a well-known action theory, and
further discuss the mechanisms of using the formalism
for representing and reasoning service capabilities. We
describe an architecture for automatic workflow
generation in which an EC-based planner builds
workflows by reasoning against distributed pools of
SWS. Semantic Web Services (SWS) intend to enhanceinteroperability and encapsulate domain knowledgevia semantic descriptions. This paper claims thatservice composition in a service-oriented computingparadigm is an AI planning problem. We present theEvent Calculus (EC) - a well-known action theory, andfurther discuss the mechanisms of using the formalismfor representing and reasoning s By abhishek_twrin Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > Journals > ISMB Posterwith intendismbjournalspostersemanticservicesswsweb
Workflow discovery: the problem, a case study from e-Science and a graph-based solution Much has been written on the promise of Web
service discovery and (semi-) automated composition. In this
discussion, the value to practitioners of discovering and reusing
existing service compositions, captured in workflows, is mostly
ignored. This paper presents one solution to workflow discovery.
Through a survey with 21 scientists and developers from the
myGrid workflow environment, workflow discovery requirements
are elicited. Through a user experiment with 13 scientists, an
attempt is made to build a gold standard for workflow ranking.
Through the design and implementation of a workflow discovery
tool, a mechanism for ranking workflow fragments is provided
based on graph sub-isomorphism matching. The tool evaluation,
drawing on a corpus of 89 public... Much has been written on the promise of Webservice discovery and (semi-) automated composition. In thisdiscussion, the value to practitioners of discovering and reusingexisting service compositions, captured in workflows, is mostlyignored. This paper presents one solution to workflow discovery.Through a survey with 21 scientists and developers from themyGrid workflow environment, By abhishek_twrin Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > Journals > ISMB Posterwith discoveryismbjournalsposterpromiseservicewebwrittenby 2 users